Does Burning Sage Keep Mosquitoes Away: Avoid Pests Now

lsoMost people know about citronella for mosquitoes, but it may surprise you to learn that sage also helps repel these dangerous little bloodsuckers. No one likes getting bitten. However, since these pesky insects can also transmit malaria, zika, and other blood-borne viruses, it’s downright dangerous. Fortunately, you don’t need to settle for using DEET or taking your chances. Instead, toss a bundle of sage in your backyard fire pit or campfire. When it comes to survival, you always need to have a backup plan, and sage is an excellent addition to your mental arsenal. Moreover, it helps deter other bugs, as well. I’ll explain why, and show you some of the most effective ways to use sage as a mosquito repellent. That way, you can rest easy knowing there’s one less problem to consider when the SHTF and everything goes sideways.

Does burning sage keep away mosquitoes? Burning sage does keep mosquitoes away. Although scientific testing is limited, there’s plenty of evidence that burning sage helps deter more than mere mosquitoes. Plus, sage is incredibly lightweight and easy to carry with you, so pack a few bundles in your backpack. 

Burning Sage Benefits

As you know, burning sage will help deter mosquitoes. Moreover, it helps clear the air and wards off other insects as well. Native Americans used it ceremonially, and for many people, it is still considered a good way to ward off more esoteric problems. Whatever you believe, it will undoubtedly make summer evenings less annoying and full of bites.

If you’re planting a survival garden, then adding a few sage plants will help a great deal. Since sage is a repellent for snails, beetles, black flea beetles, cabbage moths, and carrot flies, you’ll get the benefit of sage to burn, cook with and help preserve your other plants.

Best of all, you can use the leaves in your cooking and collect the stems for burning if you prefer. A plant that does triple duty and allows you to use the stems is rare. Anything that useful deserves its place in any survival garden or gear.

For those who can’t grow sage in their climate, a Purple Canyon White Sage Bundles Refill Kit is an outstanding way to add enough sage for even the most extended bug out routes. You’ll get twenty-four, sustainably sourced, pre-wrapped bundles to use in your fires. To see the excellent Amazon reviews, click here.

What Scents do Mosquitoes Hate Most

Sage alone boasts an impressive number of mosquito and pest repelling benefits. However, you can always kick it up a notch. Moreover, depending on where you are in the country, sage may not be available when an emergency scenario hits. Thus, making the most out of your supplies by bolstering it with additional local plants is always wise.

Rosemary thrives in most climates, and it is easy to identify. The smell is unique, and the small, pine-needle-like leaves stand out in a crowded natural area. Plus, many homes use rosemary as an ornamental. Adding the leaves and stems to your sage bundles will give you all the same benefits.

Catnip is another popular plant that repels mosquitoes, ticks, and even cockroaches. As a member of the mint family, it makes a lovely tea, and it’s safe for human consumption. Naturally, if you like cats, then you’ll probably recognize this plant.

Meanwhile, another mint-family member, peppermint, is also suitable for mosquito prevention. Additionally, it makes an excellent stomach-soothing tea, and it can help soothe mosquito bites. Simply crush a little mint with a few drops of water and apply the paste to any bites. The refreshing cool feeling helps distract you from the urge to itch.

Pennyroyal, the third mint-family plant that prevents mosquitoes, will also help ward off flies and fleas. Especially useful for those who have dogs, this is one plant that comes with a warning. Keep pennyroyal away from infants and pregnant women.

Garlic is ubiquitous. Unless you’re allergic, then you should be eating more of this vegetable anyhow. Adding garlic to fires, salves, and bug sprays will help ward off mosquitoes, aphids, and ants. Plus, it tastes great baked with a little brie, which also travels well thanks to its rind.

Marigolds are bright orange, and you’ll find them in many gardens. While they aren’t as frequent in nature, thanks to human encroachment, they’re still found all over because we like the look of them. Additionally, planting marigolds around your home or bug out location will fend off mosquitoes, deer, and rabbits while simultaneously attracting pollinators like butterflies and bees.

Prevent Mosquitoes With Sage Oil

In addition to burning sage as a smudge stick, or in a fire, there are plenty of other ways you can utilize this clever natural hack. For example, you can take sage essential oil and mix it into a spray repellant. Not only will this keep the insects off while you’re on the move, but you can add a few drops to your logs before you start your fire. However, don’t ever add oil to a burning flame as it may boil and pop, harming you or others.

Nature’s Oil Best Sage Essential Oil from Amazon is a therapeutic grade. Not only is this brand USDA certified, but it’s also GC/MS tested for purity. Because they only make organic oils, you won’t need to worry about any nasty surprises like pesticide residue. Find out more when you click here

There’s more than one way to burn sage. At home, you can use sage oil in an oil-burning diffuser. Blend it with other aromatic essential oils you enjoy or use it solo. Either way, you’ll reap the benefit, but compounding the use with other therapeutic or bug deterrent oils will only make it better.

Natural Sage Bug Spray

To make a spray repellent, you won’t need much. I recommend a dark (amber) glass bottle with a spray attachment. Droppers and tiny funnels are optional, but they help a lot. No one wants to waste good essential oil or clean up a big mess.

You can also gently tip an essential oil bottle and run a stream neatly into your spray bottle. With a little patience and the thin tube that pulls the oil up to the spray head, directing the flow is easy. Take your time and tilt slowly for the best results.

While you could technically use pure sage oil, a blend is better. You will want a high-quality carrier oil like olive, coconut, sunflower, or jojoba. Fill your spray bottle about two-thirds of the way with this.

Next, add your sage oil. It’s okay to eyeball the proportions, so long as you use enough carrier. Finally, add any combination of peppermint, lavender, lemon balm, lemongrass, rosemary, and basil. If you don’t have all the oils you want, but you have some of the ingredients dried in your kitchen, then try infusing your oil.

Infused Carrier Oil

Infusion is easy. Take that carrier oil and put it in a larger jar. A clean sauce jar is fine. Don’t fill it all the way; half or less will do the job. Then add that dried basil or rosemary right into the oil.

Cap it tightly and leave your carrier oil to infuse for a few days out of any direct light or heat, but do not refrigerate. When it smells strongly of the spices you added, you’re ready to strain. A cheesecloth is best for this, but a coffee filter will get the job done as well. However, straining oil through a coffee filter takes a lot longer.

Once your infused oil is strained, add it to your spray bottle. Mix in your sage and other oils just as before. As a bonus, you can also infuse a carrier oil with dried or even fresh sage as well for a deeper scent.

Two Important Pro-Tips

You can make a less greasy feeling mosquito spray by infusing sage, rosemary, and basil into a fifty-fifty blend of apple cider vinegar and purified water. However, this spray may be slightly less effective. Also, you’ll smell slightly of vinegar.

Another essential thing to keep in mind is testing before you go full bore. When using any new product on your skin, perform a patch test, and wait twenty-four hours before assuming you’re not sensitive to anything in the mix. The same goes for burning sage. Though allergies are rare, it’s possible to be allergic to anything, so always give it a test run before adding new supplies to your emergency kit.

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, you won’t often need to prevent mosquitoes, but when you do, burn some sage. Skip the citronella, and opt for tossing a little rosemary or peppermint in with your sage bundles instead. Not only will it smell much nicer, but it does the same job.

Carrying a few bundles of lightweight herbs in a rucksack or bug out vehicle uses almost no energy. Furthermore, it takes up very little space. As survival supplies go, that makes this an ideal solution. Tie a bundle to the outside of your BOB or having it from your rearview mirror like a charm.

Avoiding added trouble when you’re already in a survival situation doesn’t have to be complicated. Save yourself a lot of headaches with a little preplanning and a few bundles of sage from the garden.

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